Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Baby Sister

Hey I know it's been a bit since I blogged but we've been quite busy around here.



Getting my glam shots

....oh yeah and this....My new baby sister (and new princess of the house), June Torres Beynon. This is one of the first pictures taken, I wasn't there to meet her but knew when Brett and Ash brought her home that we'd be best friends!

Having her home was an adjustment for me for good and bad.

I love getting as close as I can to her without Brett or Ash bugging me to move!

I don't particularly love that I'm the only one not allowed on the bed...

I watch over her when she is sad and sometimes cry with her (which I've never done before). I just need to make sure Brett or Ashley know to come save her!

Sometimes, I do think I liked her better in Ashley's tummy...between all the crying and attention stealing she does.

However, we all have one thing in common here at the Beynon household...

We all LOVE to snuggle her.

I do get jealous of her other friends sometimes...





All in all, I love her...even though she makes some pretty weird faces.

But she makes a lot of cute ones too!

She's my baby sister and I think we're going to be together a long time so I think I will learn to share my house with her and if she's lucky...maybe one day, my blankie!

I will try to be better about blogging...I did have a little set back but should be good to go now!!